
Part B


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay, you should 

1) describe the pictures briefly;

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)


      The two pictures above perfectly capture the predicament that many people face today, i.e. too many ambitions and few actions. The drawing on the left depicts a young student reclining comfortably in his seat and exclaiming to himself in wonder at the sheer number of books he possesses. On the contrary, the student on the right sits upright with a book already open in front of him and lays out to himself a modest and realistic plan of finishing 20 books before the end of the year.

      Ambitions and dreams provide us with the necessary purpose in life. However, unrealistic and overstretched ambitions will oftentimes exert a paralyzing effect on an individual’s ability to take concrete action to achieve his or her goals. The act of the student on the left constitutes the proverb “Dream of running before one can’t even walk.” By contrast, the student on the right makes him much more likely to succeed in his plan to read 20 books or, for that matter, any other endeavor.

      As clichéd as this may sound, the ancient Chinese proverb “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” rings true even today. It is important to have aspirations in life, but only with realistic planning and concrete action can one eventually turn those ambitions into reality.


      根据图画我们得知,左边的这幅图描绘了一个男孩躺在椅子上,面对满墙的书籍悠闲地说出“我有这么多书”。与之相对,右边的图描绘的是一个认真勤奋的男孩正在规划今年的读书计划,口中默念道“我争取今年读完 20 本书”。因此,2017 年的考题反映的是如何跨越理想和现实的鸿沟,即我们常说的:理想很丰满,现实很骨感。该话题的写作方法有很多种,我们可以结合真题中的个人品质类话题,探讨一下实现理想所需要的精神,即不要好高骛远,要脚踏实地。

